Saturday 11 August 2012

Why you shouldn't blame autistics for what you choose to say or do:

How we talk about autism can have a great impact on the mental health, well being and happiness of Autistics.
If you are non-autistic, would you like to hear you're a monster? Broken? lacking a soul? Mean? Cruel? Are to blame for everything that goes wrong?


So why do so many NT people think it's okay to talk about anyone like that? I haven't killed anyone, I don't go out of my way to harm others and I'd appreciate it if they did the same.

How we treat people with autism has a great impact on the mental health, well being and happiness of Autistics.

If you are non-autistic, would you like to experience someone trying to kill you? How about actually being killed? Or physically abused?


Yet, this is the reality that a lot of autistics face, violence at the hands of those who claim we are "lacking a soul" or are "monsters". It seems to me that murdering or beating someone because they're autistic makes someone a monster, not having a different neurology to most people.

Autism and Autistic people are not holding a gun to your head and compelling you to speak words of hate, or to kill, maim or otherwise physically abuse us. That is your choice and your choice alone, refusing to own it? Is an act of profound immaturity and disrespect for not just others but for yourself.

My autism doesn't force people to bully me. It may play a role in why some people dislike me or those like me, but ultimately what you "normal" people decide to do about that dislike, whether it be attempted murder, bullying, abuse or hate speech is something you decided to do, you weren't forced to do it.

I get really tired of people who seemingly think that their behaviour is my fault, as if the ugly in their soul is somehow transplanted from me instead of being all their own. In short, if you have the urge to look for a monster, take a look inside first.

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